Category: My home

Realising the use of a blog.

I am a busy man. Doing a lot of things and sometimes to many things for my own good. I want to write a diary like a blog. It is a good watford me to give the day a reflection. But, I don’t seem to get me thumb out to do it. The time is not with me and the blog is not a priority. Since I am rebuilding my aeroplane, I need to document the process. So that I have to do. So I have decided to use this blog as a aeroplane rebuilding log, until I get my thumb out and start using the blog more often.
So see you at the Stenhammar airplane workshop in Möllebjörke.



Jag är ett sätt att tänka.

Installation of geothermal energy

There’s been some time since last blogging. A lot has been going on the last two weeks. I graduated from military officer school 2012-12-12. It felt really nice. I am finally a professional airforce officer, 1.Sergeant.
But, The big thing going on is the geothermal energy installation at our house. We have been keeping us warm by burning wood. We had to keep the fire burning all the time. So we decided to instal a new better system. We also took the opportunity to make some improvements in the tubing system in the house. We have had a god working plumber, Paul, here almost every day. We got permission to dig down the collector tubes in the ground outside our garden on the old horse land. It has been really fun and we have learned a lot.

We started of by freezing our buts off!




The digger arrives.












There’s a lot of tubing…

Jag är ett sätt att tänka.

Sunday labors

our neighbour Christer had a firm who sells firewood, so we bought a big container stuffed whit 16 square meters of firewood.


First we used the wheelbarrow… Then we went over to the car trailer. It takes about 20minutes each trailer of 1,5 m2.


After 2turns, we needed some fika (brake).


the result of todays workout:

Jag är ett sätt att tänka.

Fixing the garage


I just want to fix my garage so I can get my aeroplane in it. The garage is not in a good condition, so I will settle whit some minor fixes. The main stuff to do is making it insulated for the winter. And all new white paint together whit some more lights, will make a big difference.



Jag är ett sätt att tänka.

Crazy Vacation

This vacation has been crazy. During two weeks I have not been relaxing much. First, we started to move. Driving back and fort between the two houses 47km one way. The boxes and stuff never ends. I still have my garage full of stuff.


We started to buy new stuff for our new place. And between the driving we got some moments to relax.



Then we got some family from Norway seeing us, that was nice.
After one week we went to Finland to see some folks. Even if this is called a family vacation, personaly I can’t relaxe much.


Cata’s grandfather turned 80 this year.


We went to the summerhouse in Kuhmoinen and had some time off.


Home again and start working on the house. One day we went to ikea and made us broke, the other day we were building the ikea furnitures.


Of course it started to rain on the way home. So we had to open all the boxes as quick as possible and let it dry.
Let the building continue.




This Saturday our cat managed to get in a fight. Se got bitten and the wound got infekted. So we had to go to the wet 1.5 hours drive ftom here. Se got operated and now we have to look after her all the time.


Now we are still working home. And it is raining… On thursday we are going to Norway on a big family gettogether, this interfere whit our sick cat. So we maby will bring here whit us. I just need to find some drugs for here so she don’t drive us crazy for 9 hours drive.


So life goes on…

Jag är ett sätt att tänka.